Monthly Archives: May 2018

Artificial Sweetners are UnHealthy and Not Diet!

Growing body of research shows artificial sweeteners raise your risk of both obesity and Type 2 diabetes — perhaps even to a greater degree than sugar.

Unfortunately, many people mistaken the facts thinking that artificial sweeteners in products are a healthier option , as they are low calories, but this is such a misconception. It boggles my mind thinking that some people may choose diet drinks or sweet and low sweeteners in order to avoid gaining weight but truth is obesity stems from these artificially sweetened products and processed foods. Fact is, artificial sweeteners cause just as many health problems as sugar does. More deterrent, unlike sugar, artificial sweeteners were found to accumulate in blood, leading to more significant damage to blood vessels.

A disturbing fact about artificial sweeteners is that they are also found to trick the body into using alternative sources of glucose, such as muscle. So, when you are thinking you are trying to lose fat by having artificial sweeteners , think twice, because you are only harming your body and losing everything you are working hard to accomplish.

Sweeteners simply trick the body. And then when your body’s not getting the energy it needs to function properly, due to lack of sugar, it  finds that source elsewhere, therefore wears your body down from actually doing the proper functions.

Contrary to industry claims, research over the last 30 years have shown that artificial sweeteners stimulate appetite, increase cravings for carbs, and produce a variety of metabolic dysfunctions that promote fat storage and weight gain.

Next time you want to save on fat, and have a “DIET coke”, take a second to think twice.

Watch this video for more detrimental effects of Aspartame:


For more details on the Artificial Sweeteners effects, read the Mercola Article.