Category Archives: About Humans

Sexual Connection: How to Keep it!

This was a very interesting Ted talk that I found could benefit all couples, from those with a strong sexual connection to those who have lost their sexual connection. Marriage can be difficult at times, after years of being with the same person, with the introduction of kids, long hours at work, finances, there are many aspects in your life that can lead to your connection losing it’s way. It is important to notice and value how important that sexual connection is, or your health, your relationship and your simple well being with people around you and your self.

There are 2 important secrets to keeping or rebuilding sexual connection, I wont spoil it for you, watch Emily Nagoski’s 10 minute video.

How couples can sustain a strong sexual connection for a lifetime

If it interests you, You can view more videos from sex educator Emily Nagoski.

Need Help Saving?

Most of us struggle to save money, not waste our money, have a drive for success for a future goal. I sure am one of them. Watch Wendy de la Rosa with her 3 tricks on how you could do that. It is a quick 5 minute video worth your time.

You are ENOUGH!

Life, it takes you places. Your years and experiences, they Shape You. Some things that happen to you in your existence can affect you and can lead to major insecurities that can transpire into very negative feelings that you won’t even recognize.

If you find yourself going through something you cannot explain, just try to remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH, and seek the help you need to get through it, because likely is, you just need to be made aware of your insecurities.

Women & Power of Anger

I watched this TED Talk and thought to myself, this is true in various countries and societies.

Soraya Chemaly talks about The power of women’s anger and how many women are told they need to sustain from expressing it because it’s not lady like.

Watch this video and tell me what you think.

0% Tolerance of Alcohol on Your Body


Friday has been a shocking day for many lovers of alcohol. For the longest time, it has been agreed and understood that moderate drinking, i.e. a glass of wine a day, is healthy for you. It lowers your health risks of heart disease, diabetes and more; however it seems the risk of cancer and other illnesses is higher than the benefits.

Is this really true? It seems we get studies daily contradicting beliefs that certain things are advertised as healthy, yet in a decade or more, it turns out a new study shows the opposite, so what is the correct results on research?

Is smoking actually bad for you? some would say they have seen individuals live their whole lives healthy and when they quit, they die quite instantly after, or some have lived a very healthy life smoking while others die at a younger age from eating what they believe is healthy. It is sad to say, there are so many factors taking place in our health. How about Pollution? Water? Our Food consumption? Our Meats? Global Warming? Restaurant Food Servings? Coffee? And the list goes on…

So it turns out new research shows no alcohol is better than consuming some, but then again, what’s the real killer?

Do you live your life in fear or Actually LIVE? Yes, you can literally stay cooped up in your house, not drive because its dangerous, not eat out because its dangerous, not drink because …. it is dangerous. But where do we draw the lines?

Let’s face it, I am a lover of wine, I don’t smoke, I do eat out, love my meat, I may be one of the healthier people out there and exercise a whole lot. So, you can definitely say that I may be biased, but what is to life?

Please do not hesitate to write your opinions on this… It is shocking but did you expect anything less?  …

Read more in the news all over, including CNN , Global News , and more….

Your Relationships and Your Space


I find myself not having enough time for me… who is ME?

Do you know who YOU really are?

I think for me, I do not have enough time in the day for ME… I think I know who I am and what makes me happy, but I don’t, or I don’t follow it. I want it, I seek it…

All I know is I need me! Me! Me time.

This video made me think a lot about some of the choices, the options, the lifestyle I am currently living, which makes me feel CHOKE, actually.

Maybe you don’t need to always see your friends, maybe you don’t need to make constant commitments, maybe you are not able to commit, maybe you just need to divert. Do you understand me?

Take time for YOU, take singular time for you. Make time to think, on your own, without distraction. It is easy to get distracted, to make plans, to not THINK of your problems and what you need to CHANGE, but you can and you must make the TIME FOR YOU.

Grow yourself within yourself!


Keep in mind … Great Minds Think Alone!

But please watch this quick video, and feel with me…


why We Attract who We Attract…

Do you notice patterns in your Love Life? You are constantly looking for that relationship that satisfies your personal needs and how to get those needs met 

Your attachment style determines who you attract.

The more you understand your style, the more you are likely to understand your weaknesses and strengths which can compliment or harm your relationships.

According to the Attachment Theory, there are 4 types of attachment styles:

  1. Secure Attachment: Warmth and love come naturally, and you are able to be intimate without worrying about the relationship and tend to share little misunderstandings. You tend to have a secure attachment style if you have grown up in a loving and secure family upbringing. You feel safe and independent because you felt as such growing up. You de-escalate problems by problem-solving, forgiving, and apologizing. You are open and direct about feelings and shortcomings.
  2. Anxious Attachment: this particular attachment can be draining as it may be difficult for you to feel satisfied in your relationships. You are likely to rely on your partner to be happy or to ease your fears. You can can also be constantly worried you will lose them, causing you to become more clingy and possessive. You crave such a close and intimate relationship, that you tend to put yourself and your needs second to accommodate your partner, which in turns causes you to become unhappy and resentful in the end. You lead yourself to stress and anxiety overcomes your relationship. You then tend to play games and/or manipulate your partner to get attention and reassurance in your relationship.

  3. Avoidant Attachment: with this attachment style, you tend to isolate yourself from your partner, and seek full independence, which can come off as not really needing a partner and avoiding emotional connection. Your independence and self-sufficiency are more important to you than intimacy.

  4. Fearful Attachment: fearful of letting yourself get too close to your partner and fearful of being too distant with your partner are two fears that confuse you and others around you, as your emotions are unbalanced you tend to confuse your partner, on an emotional roller-coaster, confusing yourself and your partner.

According to research, around 50% of the general population has a Secure attachment style, 20% has an Anxious attachment style, and 25% has an Avoidant attachment style.

Let’s now look at some relative facts. This Theory of Attachment tells us that some attachment styles are more likely to be drawn to certain styles. 

What does this mean? 

Point 1. If you are an Anxious or Avoidant, you are unlikely to be with someone that is Secure, as you find them to be too boring and not providing enough drama, and Secure Attachment will not provide that for you.

Point 2. Two Avoidants cannot possibly work as they spend their time avoiding each other which calls for a bad relationship then and there. 

Point 3. Two Anxious people make for an unpredictable and high stress relationship, which is simply doomed from the get-go. 

Point 4. If you are Anxious , you are more likely to mesh with someone Avoidant, and vice versa. An Anxious and an Avoidant are two attachment styles that are complimentary together as an Anxious person is willing to wait around for commitment and the Avoidant partner tolerates the behavior of the Anxious. Whether this is a healthy relationship, I would assume otherwise, however it does mesh, until changes occur, which they can.

Point 5. Nonetheless, individuals with Secure attachment can be with any Style of attachment, according to this theory because they can validate their partner’s feelings and help them overcome their fears, and for some, this is comforting.

What Attachment Style do you relate to? If you are not satisfied with your style, then look back into your childhood and really look into what made you this way. Once you can understand it, you can change it. Sometimes, you may need a little help, from a parent, a sibling, a psychologist, or someone, to really look deep and understand why you are who you are.

If you want a healthier relationship, if you want to seek a lasting relationship, it is never too late, it is not impossible.

Find the Best You. You will Find the Best Partner.

Friendships & Marriages: Find Your Roots

A really good friend of mine sent me this video and told me I was the Root in her Tree, so I watched this video and understood the beauty of friendships and love. Her love was real; some love are temporary and others are real. I really can’t describe this video any better than ‘Madea’. So please watch this and reassess your relationships.


Words of Wisdom


They say trust your elders, I saw their right. Experience is everything in life. Learn from other’s mistakes, you don’t always need to make them yourself, and you know what, when it comes to these words of wisdom, you really don’t want to make them yourself because that will be a life full of regrets. You don’t want to wake up at 60 saying What did I do to My life? Gosh, do I regret my life. You don’t want that, it is scary.

So I read this article today Advice from some old people, and it was a wake up call.

Please take a look at the 20 tips given by older people to teach you a little something about life. Do’s and Don’ts.

I don’t want to wake up at the end of my life regretting the little things that don’t even end up mattering. Wake up, live a better healthier loving life. Don’t dwell on things that mean nothing. Dwell on what really matters. Take care of yourself and those that mean the most to you.

Read this article and hear every piece of advise loud and clear: Advise from Some Old People

Were You Dealt a Bad Hand?

I was listening to this video while driving to work in the morning, and found myself dumbfounded with how right this guy is.

First of All. We have grown up in a society where things are just given to us, we don’t work for things, life has been given to us, sadly for some of us, our parents baby us and we end up growing older feeling that we will get what we want, but YOU NEED TO WORK FOR IT. Most of us try to work for something and as soon as we notice it is taking a lot of work, we stop and move to the next thing, but why can’t we live with purpose?

Second of All. Technology and how it has ruined us. Can we sit on a table without our phones beside us on the table? Can we wake up without looking if someone LIKED our photos on Facebook?


I know that the phone is one of my Resolutions for 2017. I am a VICTIM of this non sense and waste of life.

I hate the phone.. I sometimes sit with my friends at a restaurant and I might as well be sitting alone. Phones are evil if you ask me, they used to be for the sole purpose of safety and conversation, however when you are safe and conversing with someone, why do you need to waste your time on the phone?

Socialising is no longer fun. You sometimes go out with a group of people and more than half of them are on the phone, Social Media is one of the culprits. HOW IS THAT QUALITY TIME? Why are you even meeting? What about when you are out with a friend and all they do is “text” someone else, that is not even there; it is clear that you are not as important, you are not as interesting, you might as well not be there.

If you are sitting at dinner with your friends and you are texting someone who is not there, that is a problem!

I hate phones, how would a simple outing go without phones? God Forbid, you get their full attention and you actually have a decent conversation, a decent time. Wake up, you are living in a society where you rather talk to an object than talk to a person.

Third of All. Instant gratification is a problem these days, people have no patience to wait for things anymore. This generation is problematic. People have no time to find love, to accomplish something, to finding a fulfilment in their life.

Please watch this video, It will change your life. It really should.