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Mark Your Footprints

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.”

Mother Teresa

I have been having these amazing conversations with a good friend of mine, and things like this quote have been the base of our discussions. I HAVE LOVED IT, but the rest of my life seems to be passing me by.

Truth is, I have been in this little bubble and I can’t get myself to get out of it. On the other hand, I have been in and out of this different piece of mind where I LOVE thinking philosophically, psychological and sociologically. These moments are my highest Euphoria, and I want to stay there.

Life is what you make it. Life is what you chose to do with it. You can waste it by talking about USELESS topics, or you can discuss topics that MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

What person do you want to be? Of course many of you will say the Influential person… But let me ask you this: What are you doing about it? Will you wake up tomorrow and do the exact same *BS*? Yes Bullshit. It is repetitive Bullshit that make no difference in your life or anyone else.  I have to admit, I am sick and tired of this Bullshit. Talking about NOTHINGNESS, things that make no impact, things that will not make me a better person. I am sick, and I am tired. This life, we have only One Chance at it. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and be told by a doctor that this is it, This is your life, and I have done NOTHING. I want to change the world, one minute at a time, and I CAN, and I WILL.

So here is my rant, now lets talk reality. Who do you surround yourself with? Who are your friends, your colleagues, your family? Who do you share inspirational conversations with? Do you discuss Change? Do you discuss Happiness? Do you talk about how to become a Better Person? Better yet, does anyone talk to you about what makes you a Worst Person? Do you have that someone that wakes you up when you are so stuck in your own BS? If you can’t think of someone, than you are hanging out with the wrong people. Everyone needs a reality check, everyone needs a Wake up Call. I have that, but sadly I get sucked into uselessness sometimes, I am human, it’s normal. But the real test is if you GET YOURSELF OUT.

So, important Reality is: Who your Friends Are is who You Are. If your friends don’t Change you, They are not a good friend). If you find yourself talking about NOTHINGNESS, find someone who makes you talk CHANGE, talk POSITIVISM, talk INTELLIGENCE.

I have been lost, I can admit it, but I am tired of being lost. I need change, I need Thought, I need conversation, I need happiness…. I am seeking. Are you?

Make the change today. Find the right friends and keep them. Spend more time with them, because if they make you think, you are getting closer to happiness, because being happy is being fulfilled. Fulfillment is MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, AND SPIRITUAL.

Focus on what is important, not what you will never take with you when you are gone. Reaching success is one thing, but if you make nothing of that success then WHAT HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED? Have you REALLY changed this world? Or have you changed YOUR reality?

Boasting, Arrogance, Greet, Egocentricity, these are NOT SUCCESS, these are PURE REPUGNANCE. Embrace the blessings you have been given, GIVE, HELP, SAVE, CONSIDER others. Life is about MAKING A DIFFERENCE, and I am not talking about YOUR LIFE, I am talking about that homeless woman asking you for money, but giving her gloves instead because you notice she is shaking. THINK, TAKE NOTICE, BE SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!! FEEL more what you SEE, TAKE THE TIME TO CARE.

Consider this scenario: You are walking down the street with your warm coat, warm gloves, warm tuque and you get stopped by a homeless person simply begging you for money, begging you for SOMETHING. But you are late for work, rushing around, as you usually are, everyone is always rushing. Never do we take a moment to simply appreciate the air we are breathing, because some do not have clear air. Never do we take the time to be grateful for the water we drink, because some do not have clean water. Never do we appreciate the time we have because some cannot rest as they must feed their children and can’t keep up. Back to the scenario, you are walking down the street, you either throw a loonie at them, or simply ignore them because you are on your phone, on your Facebook, or simply texting someone that is NOT THERE. This poor woman, child, man… they have been denied love, ignored, denied a smile that may brighten their day, a difference can be that simple. What would happen if you walked down the street, saw a homeless person and decided to Stop, take a minute to ask them how their day is going, if they would like something to eat instead of money, if you can grab them a coffee, or event buy them gloves, a tuque, a scarf., anything to make their life easier, as they don’t have it easy… but you do… or have it easier. How does this sound in your busy life now?

This is an extremely passionate topic for me, SO I tell you…







I have hit rock bottom, because I CARE. No one knows what you go through, so find your own Happiness, in what you need. I need Personal Growth;

What Do You Need? Who Do You Want to BE?